RPA (Robotics Process Automation) is software that emulates human actions and automates routine tasks.
Each automation is identified by a unique name:
  1. Pay Invoice has transferred using Transactions since [Sep 01 2023]

  2. Vendor Aging has invoiced to Vendors using Transactions since [Mar 08 2024]
  3. Calculating time spent per vendor (~30 seconds per transaction) is a savings of hrs for humans

  4. Interco-AIWire has processed documents adding transactions to GP Ledger totaling

  5. Interco-Chase has processed documents adding transactions to GP Ledger totaling

  6. Ap Checkscans has processed documents scanning checks

  7. RIPS Processing is in the development queue

  8. Semantix Payment Automation is in the development queue

For questions or suggestions for new automations, please contact: support@rpatransact.com